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Support for Eczema and Psoriasis

MDCustomRx - Quality Matters

Prescription Compounding Helps Protect Skin

The exact cause of psoriasis and eczema is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of factors. Genetics, digestive problems or an overactive immune system can all be underlying causes of these skin conditions. Outbreaks can be brought on by a number of triggers, particularly Wisconsin’s unforeseen climate. MD Custom Rx, a PCAB accredited compounding pharmacy is able to compound by prescription topical preparations containing tranilast, which can help support relief from eczema and psoriasis.

The changing seasons in Wisconsin bring cold, dry air. These fluctuating conditions can cause unexpected changes in your skin conditions. While it’s impossible to avoid the genetic causes of a skin condition, you can help reduce and protect against environmental irritants which may cause outbreaks. Help protect your skin with tranilast, MD Custom Rx’s compounded preparation formulated to help provide relief from skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema.

Causes of Eczema and Psoriasis

Overactive Immune System – The immune system is made up of white blood cells (T-cells) which produce chemicals to help maintain healthy skin. Psoriasis occurs when the white blood cells become overactive and produce a higher amount of chemicals, causing inflammation of the skin and resulting in scales of dry, inflamed skin. Normal skin cells mature and should naturally exfoliate on their own over time. This is an undesirable method of treatment due to its lengthy process. Tranilast helps relieve relevant skin condition symptoms sooner. Tranilast, when applied topically can help support healthy skin.

Digestion Problems and Eczema – Healthy gastrointestinal function is essential for an overall well-being. Effective digestion and delivery of nutrients makes a significant difference in our long-term health let alone our skin condition. The skin is found to be a reflection of what is happening internally. MD Custom Rx’s suggests Ortho Molecular’s Digestzyme V to help support a healthy digestion. This high potency nutritional supplement works with your body helping to break down the foods and nutrients it is unable to. Dietary changes and utilizing properly nutritional supplements like Digestzyme V may have a positive impact on both digestion and the skin.

MD Custom Rx’s pharmacists will work with your doctor to develop the right compounding prescription for you. If you suffer from eczema or psoriasis, start your MD Custom Rx compounding treatment plan today to receive support for healthier skin.

Tranilast – Custom Compounding Preparation Offers Support for Eczema and Psoriasis

Tranilast has been shown effective for skin conditions like eczema when topically used with a concentration between 10-20%.

  1. The anti-angiogenesis and anti-inflammatory effects that topical tranilast generates may also reduce recurrent erythematous skin outbreaks.
  2. MD Custom Rx’s topical compounded preparations which have been beneficial for eczema and psoriasis contains:
    1. Zinc Pyrithione: May help the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis by slowing down cell mitosis, thereby reducing the production of skin cells.
    2. Clobetasol: Clobetasol is a corticosteroid and when applied to the skin it works by acting inside the skin cells to decrease the release of inflammatory substances. This reduces swelling, redness and itch.
    3. Cyanocobalamin: Vitamin B12 inhibits production of inflammatory cytokines and can trap nitric oxide, making it less harmful. Applying a topical cream containing vitamin B12 significantly improves eczema (atopic dermatitis), according to the British Journal of Dermatology (2004;150:977–83)

Contact the best compounding pharmacists Milwaukee has to offer and find support for a healthier lifestyle, call 262.373.1050 today!


Oku Okuda M, Ishikawa T, Saito Y, et al. A clinical evaluation of N-5′ with perennial-type allergic rhinitis – a test by the multi-clinic, intergroup, double blind comparative method.
Ann Allergy 1984 Aug;53(2):178-85.

Mansouri K, Motlagh H.R., Keshavarz M, Tranilast could have potential value in the treatment of psoriasis: Med Hypotheses, Feb:76(2) Epub 2010 Oct 27.

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