Animal Care

MD Custom Rx is the compounding pharmacy for custom prescription options for animals. Our pharmacists can compound numerous dosage forms that are just right for most animals.

Flavored Medications for Animals

Animals have very different tastes than humans. We probably wouldn’t care for a beef flavored antibiotic, but to a dog that may be just what it takes to make the medicine do down. Different species of animals have differing tastes as well. We helped Fluffy, the bunny, take her antibiotic by flavoring it banana whereas Tweety the parrot preferred a fruity type flavoring called Tutti Frutti. Cats can be our most difficult to please client. As most cat owners know, cats are very picky and very clever and thus can pose challenges to medicate. We have great success in incorporating oral medications into a slurry made with the cat’s favorite canned food or sometimes Velveeta does the trick. 

Animal Medicines in Ideal Size, Strength, and Dosage Form

One can imagine that a 7-pound Chihuahua would require a much different dose of medicine than a 90-pound Bernese Mountain Dog. Through prescription compounding we can make exactly what your pet needs. Here are some examples of the unique dosage forms we can prepare for animals:

Unavailable Medications Custom Formulated

Sometimes perfectly good medications are no longer commercially available. Through prescription compounding we often can obtain the raw ingredients from FDA Registered chemical suppliers and make the treatment available to you and your animal.

Custom Formulated Prescriptions Improves Compliance

We all know the less that has to get done – the more likely it will get done. The same is true when it comes to medicating animals. If Fluffy the cat needs high blood pressure medicines, it may be easier to medicate her if they can both be in a single agent like a chewable treat, for example. Or if Max the dog needs an antibiotic cream plus an anti-inflammatory cream plus a pain-relieving cream to treat his cut, having all three agents compounded into a single preparation would make taking care of Max a whole lot easier.

Getting any pet to take medicine is a struggle whether you are talking about dogs, cats, parakeets, horses, each presents their challenges. Trying to get your pet to swallow a pill turns into one incident after another; prying the cat out from under the bed, chasing the dog around the house, avoiding claw and teeth marks with every attempt. After spitting out the pill 3 or 4 times, you finally manage to get your pet to swallow it, but now you are not even sure how much your pet even swallowed since the coating had already begun to dissolve and the pill was breaking apart in your hand. These common pet medication struggles can be easily addressed by custom veterinary compounding.

MD Custom Rx can help with the common frustrations of administering pet medications with veterinary compounding. From compounding a tuna flavored suspension for your cat to modifying the medication’s strength per pet size and weight to formulating a transdermal gel for easy administration, our compounding pharmacists can custom compound any prescription fitting to your pet’s individual needs. Custom veterinary compounding benefits include modifying prescription strength, dosage form, and flavor.

Commercially available veterinary prescriptions are formulated for the “average” size pet. The medicine prescribed for an “average” 9-pound terrier would not be nearly the “average” for a 90-pound lab. Custom veterinary compounding can easily solve such dosage problems. MD Custom Rx compounding pharmacists can custom formulate the dosage for your specific pet’s size and weight.

Accurate, Custom Modification of Prescription Strength

Commercially available veterinary prescriptions are formulated for the “average” size pet. The medicine prescribed for an “average” 9-pound terrier would not be nearly the “average” for a 90-pound lab. Custom veterinary compounding can easily solve such dosage problems. MD Custom Rx compounding pharmacists can custom formulate the dosage for your specific pet’s size and weight.

Modifying Dosage Form

Pets do not like taking pills, but cats like their ears rubbed and dogs like biscuits. With custom veterinary compounding, we will compound your pet’s medications into a variety of different easy to administer forms. From transdermal gel administered by gently rubbing on the inside of your cat's ear to a medicated chewable dog biscuit tailored to your dog’s favorite treat, MD Custom Rx can custom compound veterinary medications that they will not repeatedly spit out. Make sure your pet gets the proper dosage by taking advantage of the veterinary compounding benefits.

Compounding Flavor Suspension

Our veterinary compounding pharmacists can mask the pill taste with your pet's favorite meaty flavors. By custom compounding a meaty flavored suspension, your pets will savor every bite. For allergy-prone pets, veterinary compounding pharmacies will work closely with your veterinarian to custom compound a medication absent of known allergens. Do not hide your pet's medications within unhealthy treats. Take advantage of veterinary compounding from MD Custom RX.

Veterinary compounding is beneficial to both you and your beloved pet. Ask your vet about veterinary compounding from MD Custom RX and ensure your pet receives the correct dosage while eliminating the frustrations of giving your pets their medications.

Call MD Custom Rx today at 262.373.1050 for Veterinarian Compounding Solutions!

Your dogs, cats, birds, exotics or zoo animals will feel the benefit!